Farmacologia do paracetamol pdf

Paracetamol is an efficacious and safe treatment for pain and fever, and remains the treatment of choice due to its profile of pharmacologic activity, efficacy, safety, convenience of use and cost. However, it is known that paracetamol can cause severe hepatic necrosis at high doses both in human and animals 22, since it can be activated by peroxidases of the cytochrome p450 producing qui. The severe hepatotoxicity induced by paracetamol, with or without acute liver failure, is almost not described in the neonatal period. Introducao o uso abusivo e inadequado do paracetamol pode. Detection of acetaminophen protein adducts in children with acute liver failure of indeterminate cause. Graham gg1, davies mj, day ro, mohamudally a, scott kf. Paracetamol, uma visao farmacologica e toxicologica 1. Acetamin, dolex, dolicox, acelifen, catalac, dolpirin. Please use one of the following formats to cite this article in your essay, paper or report. Esta area da farmacologia aborda as acoes farmacologicas dos mecanismos pelos quais os. A structure and antioxidant activity study of paracetamol. O paracetamol, tambem conhecido por acetaminofeno, e um farmaco com propriedades. A velocidade da sua absorcao e, no entanto, dependente da velocidade do esvaziamento gastrico, ou seja, quanto mais rapido for o esvaziamento gastrico mais rapida e a absorcao do farmaco. Paracetamol, if efficient, is a recommended oral analgesic of a first choice to be used for a long time, e.

A palavra farmacologia deriva do grego e, significa. Pdf farmacologia do trato gastrintestinal carolina. Antiinflamatorios, aines slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Paracetamol, uma visao farmacologica e toxicologica.

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